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This one is in South Cumbria, at a weekly wage of £127.50, with Gen II Engineering & Technology Training, this one caught my eye from the skills involved, in particular, the fitting of car parts like pumps and gearboxes, and fabricating new parts too.

In Birmingham, this apprenticeship pays more than the afore mentioned, at a weekly rate of £180.00 this apprenticeship involves learning the skills of creating tools, and parts for tools as well.

the annual wage of this job is 12,607.20, which comes down to £242.44 a week and a 40 hour work week is also specified, this job interests me due to the prospects it offers, the job is a t a big company, someone that everyone will recognise, and in the long term that would really help me.

this next one is on a construction site, the job pays £260 per week and requires a driving licence, which i don’t have yet. it involves the working on sewage systems, and although that doesn’t sound too appealing, the work involved means it would be a great experience to learn from, considering all the mechanics that go in to making a fully functioning sewage system. it’s not necessarily in the range of what sort of engineering i want to do, but it’s a good opportunity nevertheless.

This apprenticeship is with Rexson, a fluid-dispenser company, it pays £160 per week. which is a little less than the afore mentioned ones, but the job entailed is much more similar to my current job, it involves taking out items, delivering them to customers and installing them, and repairing faulty ones. it’s a good and bad thing that it’s similar, on the plus side it’s familiar, i know how to do this kind of job, it also pays better than my current job, and i’ll learn from it, on the bad side i’m really not branching out from my comfort zone here, and i don’t necessarily want to do what i do currently, for the rest of my life, but still i included it because it’s an interesting option which could offer a lot to me.

Second-to-last job is from the MOD, aeronautical engineering, off the bat this is far more exotic than the Rexson job, it pays less again at £9,900 annually, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing, the MOD will give full accommodation with this, and food and water, the job is also much closer to my desired profession, and it involves engineering on planes. it’s a big one to consider, as a job it offers a lot of experience, and will set me on a career path towards a job with the armed forces.

This last apprenticeship is a fantastic opportunity in weapons engineering, again with the MoD it offers the chance to learn how to engineer weapons, compete in competitions, work in teams and create awesome engineering marvels. the pay starts at £14,000 and at the end finishes with £18,000 annually, over all giving you £50,000 throughout a three year apprenticeship. something definitely worth considering.

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