Borderlands concept art

As i’ve said in posts before, i’m taking a good amount of inspiration from the Borderlands franchise, because of this, i’ve been doing research into their concept artists, and two caught my eye, Kale Menges and Lorin Wood.


Kale Menges:

Kale’s work seems to be oriented around icon design, achievements, buttons, and what seems to be poster ads, he’s work is reminiscent of old American and British propaganda posters from the 1930’s-50’s, and i like his semi-cartoony style. i Thought it best to study his work because it’s similar to work i did on the propaganda posters project, and since i’ll be modelling those posters in game, i wanted to look into his work. i like the block-colour, intricate designs he’s done, using simple shapes to make up a complex picture.


Lorin Wood:

Lorin Wood’s work is really interesting to me, his work is what i expect of concept art, but it’s also very retailed, he does a lot of annotations, and uses a lot of real-world inspiration. he seems to design more of the machines and landscapes, things like ships, robots and cities, which is right up my street. something he also seems to do is mix his mediums, some time’s he’s sketched on paper or photoshop, and other times it’s a concept 3D model he’s created himself, i like this method since it allows you to test your idea, and tweak it if you want to.

After the next post on Zelda Breath of the Wild, i’ll be looking into reference material, much as Lorin does, and using it to try and plan out the environment i’ll have in my game, so i can start making the concept art for this game.

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