Doris Carrascosa

Doris Carrascosa is a French game designer working for Chucklefish games in London. Her Work includes, most notably, Starbound (her joining the project to replace the old designer who left after the 1.0 version of the game) and other titles such as “The old man and space”, “Sandmoon” and “Crispy Adventure”. her work is light and colourful, looking at her work, i’m mostly interested in the cell shading she does, she uses blank colours, often pastel shades, with little faces drawn on to the characters, and simple polygonal models. The colours she uses helps to create a friendly, happy environment which is inviting, i feel this playful style would help appeal to anywhere from 10 to 30 year olds, and possibly older, mostly women.

Her work will be incredibly useful to me, especially her methods for cel-shading, i also love her art style, the little faces she draws on her characters help to liven them up, they seem more innocent, and more friendly. i want to do more realism in this project, but Doris’ work reminds me to make it a little more open, a bit more inviting and welcoming, especially in the environment, i’m planning now to have a bright sun in the background, like a unset, over a deep blue river thames and bright green trees. I think in areas her work could improve though, and things to keep in mind for my work, is the low polygon count on some of her models, i think they’re incredibly detailed, but they need a little more smoothing out, these are her earlier games though, so i can’t be too critical, but for the sake of it, here’s one more, some of the texturing on “Sandmoon” could do with a higher pixel count to give them more detail. Other than that i love her work.



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