
Exaggerated art styles in games is just as the title says, exaggerated. Often this art style is used in games orienting around Anime themes, you do sometimes find that this style, like the other two, often mixes with them, to create some unique styles, so you’ll find exaggerated cel-shaded games or exaggerated photorealistic games. Good examples would include the street fighter series, Loadout or The dragon ball z game franchise.

Street fighter:




Dragon Ball Z Game Franchise:


It’s likely i wont use this art style in my game, as much as i like the exaggerated and ridiculous styles, it wouldn’t fit the mood i want for my game, that being said, this art style is incredibly unique, and the few games that follow this style, i can say i could name off my head, they’re memorable, and i think the art style is part to thank for this.


Photorealism is the art style used in some games to replicate a real-world environment, lots of different games have used this to varying degrees of success, including new methods of scanning environments in the real world and creating a 3D model using that scan. Photorealism doesn’t have to be spot on though, in games like Dark souls, the art style is incredibly detailed, but the whole scene is dark, with only reds and oranges as the dominant colours with the rest being dull shades of grey. other examples include the Witcher franchise and the Grand theft auto franchise.

Dark Souls:


The Witcher:


Grand theft auto:


This is unlikely to be the art style i choose for my game, but i like it’s blunt realism, and the dynamic variations on it, including tone and style. i might even combine my cel-shaded style with a bit of realism, similar to Borderlands, but less intricate textures, so it combines a semi-realistic design with black outlines and simple colour pallets.

Cel Shading

Cel Shading, in the simplest way possible, is a semi-cartoony art style, usually using simple colours or textures with thick outlines, often making the object appear flat, even though it’s 3D.


Examples in Gaming

Cel shading really took shape when the game industry started to adapt it, the semi-realism of it helped create an engaging environment for the player, with a unique art style that attracted all sorts of audiences.

Most notable games include the Borderlands Franchise, The Legend of Zelda Wind waker, Phantom hourglass, Spirit tracks and Breath of the wild, and Dragon Quest 9, sentinels of the starry sky (interestingly this method is used on more portable consoles, giving depth on a console which can only create so many polygons, and process so much (in other words, it works well in a limited environment)):





Legend of Zelda (Wind waker/Phantom hourglass/Spirit tracks/Breath of the wild):






Dragon Quest 9 Sentinels of the Starry Sky:


I want to use Cel shading in my game, a huge inspiration for me from this was that of Wind waker and Breath of the wild, I love the art styles of both of those games use, and am really interested in applying it to a sci-fi shooter/adventure game set 50 years in the future.

Project proposal – Unit 13 (Final Major Project)

Over my last projects i’ve been challenging myself to try new things in order to get a sense of what i want to do for this final major project. I’ve improved my skill in Screen printing, and 3D modelling, and oriented those projects around this project. since the beginning of the course my character has developed, i’ve matured emotionally and that’s reflected in my work, it’s become more adventurous and outgoing, much like myself, and less afraid to put itself out there. I’d also like to think my ideas have become more complex, more unique, with more inspiration from large art movements and an attempt at fusion of those movements to create something brand new. My work ethics matured too, at the start of the course i didn’t like to do much work at home, and struggled to push myself to do so, but through the course i’ve become more disciplined in that respect, and it’s helped to show my best side in my work, my last couple of projects are products i’m really proud of, and i felt passionate about making them too. i’ve been attempting to build up this skill in an area that i’ve never tried before because through my time here i’ve been trying to experience as much as possible, and experiment with different mediums too, all because i plan to go into engineering in the future, after this course i plan to take an apprenticeship at an Engineering firm and eventually join the Navy as a Marine Engineer.

The aim of this project is to create an action/adventure/scifi game in 3D. I’ve considered this game since my first project this academic year, and made my last two project about it, the first one was exploring posters that might appear in this future, and the second was to try my 3D skills out, while picturing concepts of current cities in this future, unfortunately the only model i managed to make was of Paris, but it looks incredible, and i was really happy with it, as i was with the skills i learnt creating it. I’ve been looking at different games for inspiration, and i settled on 3D because i loved the art style used in the Zelda franchise, and the feeling of adventure that series of games creates. The game’s art style will be semi-cartoony, semi-realistic, with bright vibrant colours, but i wanted to play with the shading a bit, to see if i could find a way to make the colour drain or dull in hostile areas. The game will have a hidden message against hate speech, i’ve seen a lot of it in the world, which is why the main antagonists will represent that, and the protagonists will fight against it, I’ll also see if i can challenge other gender norms, such as LGBT representation in gaming, and Female and male roles in games, My tutor raised the point that i could include these ideas of social action and others into the game, and because of this i’ve decided i should try and work in some character screen or a chance to fight on the ground outside the ships, i also really like the challenge of including social action in the game.

A curious concept i came across from a game called Undertale suggests the ideas for a more pacifist way to beat the game, and it’s an interesting idea, whether i’d have enough time to implement it is a different story though. Something i’d struggled with is the setting, i wasn’t sure if to set it on Earth or in a non-relative place, a different planet from earth to try and invoke some perspective, and after great deliberation i’ve decided to set the game on earth in a major city or town, the original plan was to create the game so each level was in a different place on the planet, which really means where the first level of the game will reside is yet to be revealed, but i have looked at various locations such as Chicago, San Francisco, Tokyo, London, Moscow, Cairo, Mogadishu, etc. an interesting concept would be to create a completely new city, something i probably wont do, but it’s a thought. Realistically this game may never get finished, especially considering the time constraint, what i will do is focus on one level, make that and texture it properly, and create all the models to and texture them, and work on the coding for that level completely, in order to get one fleshed out level in the game, similar to the demo version of a game.

Throughout this project i plan to document everything i do through my blog on WordPress, including research, sources, and i’ll put this project proposal up too, i’ll also link sources in my bibliography, since i’ll be doing a wide range of research, from music creation, sound creation and game development in general, and i also plan to work with some people from the other courses in order to help with reference photos and background music.

Social action evaluation

This project has been an interesting experience for me, considering i’ve never done any work with 3d modelling programmes before, i’ve found it to be a challenging undertaking but i’ve learnt a lot.

I’ve encountered several problems while making the 3d model, often involving small quirks in the system, the most prevalent being a glitch which flips some of the faces on extrusions i’ve made in the structure, another problem came later in the project when i was printing, and found an entire set of streets in the city missing, this has caused delays with the creation of the structure, but i’ve managed to fix it. Another problem came during the actual printing of the project where the plastic got jammed in the machine, broke off and the machine continued to print while having nothing to print with. i’ve worked around this problem by simply making sure the machine is working properly, and reinitiating the print process, this does mean i’ve got half a model currently, but hopefully the machine will print it properly this time.

Next time i 3d model, i want to stick to a specific style, i feel i struggled to do so in this project, and that lead to the structure looking a little mismatched. I also feel i needed to learn to model or at least practice more, most o the faults in the structure were caused by my lack of knowledge in 3DS Max, and i feel if i’d known more about the programme it might have turned out cleaner with less faults both structurally and graphically. i think also, more attention to the model, and learning new techniques might help, so in other words, i need to keep trying at it and eventually i’ll have mastered the programme.

I feel i’ve accomplished what i intended to at the start of the project, to some extent that is, i initially set out to create several models of different cities around the world, in other words, i bit off more than i could chew, but i’ve ended up with one good model at least, so i don’t think it’s all that bad, and my skill towards the end of the project was getting much better, you can actually see that in the buildings, as various ones were advancing with more detail, i am pleased with my advancements in using this programme though, hopefully it should help me on my next project where i’ll be making a 3D game.

In the future if i were to do this project again, i might change the model, and how it’s constructed to cut down time when printing, this could allow for any mistakes i might make, this was suggested to me by one of the Fablab technicians and i think it’d be an effective solution in order to fix some of the problems i had, especially if one of the machines were to fail as they actually did.

I’ve found another flaw with the perception of my work, the social action side of the project wasn’t getting through to people. initially they thought the structure was cool, but when it came to explaining the social action side, it fell apart, i hadn’t focussed as much on what the project was representing as id’ve liked and i think it shows in the final piece, you have a cool structure, but nothing that it represents, and i think i need to work on that in the next project.

In conclusion, i’m happy with the model, but it definitely needs work in order for the work process to be smoother and the structure to be more sound, and creation of the project more efficient. I have learnt a lot though and it’ll come in handy in the next project and i’m more confident in my ability to use programmes like 3DS Max, but i need to focus more on the structure of the models and what the message i’m attempting to get across is.

Critical evaluation

Considering my future, i’ve decided an apprenticeship is my best way forward, really it came down to what i wanted to do, and throughout this course i’ve been deciding on what i want to do, and i’ve decided that’s an apprenticeship. my end goal is to join the navy, but in the mean time i’ve chosen to do an apprenticeship in mechanical engineering and have applied to several locations, including Babcock. My decision was made for a multitude of reasons, including pay, location, etc. but i’ve chosen a variety of different jobs mostly compared to how well they’ll work with me being in the Navy reserves, (closest base, hours and the like).

A couple of the options i’ve listed i know i’m not going to do, i’ve picked interesting choices, but i know i wont do some simply because they’re either place i don’t want to go to, employers i don’t want to work for, or doing things i don’t want to do. but i included them anyway as other options, so i know i can do something else if i so desire, i even researched places abroad in case i want to live there instead.

In conclusion i’ve decided not to go to uni because it’s not a work environment i work well in, it’s two linear and written and i need to be doing something hands on, getting involved in everything, i’ve considered employment, and initially did think about just going straight into the Navy, but i need to decide whether it’s for me, which is why i went for the middle ground and decided to become a reservist and apprentice for 3 years, this way i can dip my toe into the navy and get some experience, while being an apprentice too and if i decide i want to pursue employment in a company, i can maintain being a naval reservist too.

Apprenticeships search on “Findapprenticeships.service.gov.uk”


This one is in South Cumbria, at a weekly wage of £127.50, with Gen II Engineering & Technology Training, this one caught my eye from the skills involved, in particular, the fitting of car parts like pumps and gearboxes, and fabricating new parts too.


In Birmingham, this apprenticeship pays more than the afore mentioned, at a weekly rate of £180.00 this apprenticeship involves learning the skills of creating tools, and parts for tools as well.


the annual wage of this job is 12,607.20, which comes down to £242.44 a week and a 40 hour work week is also specified, this job interests me due to the prospects it offers, the job is a t a big company, someone that everyone will recognise, and in the long term that would really help me.


this next one is on a construction site, the job pays £260 per week and requires a driving licence, which i don’t have yet. it involves the working on sewage systems, and although that doesn’t sound too appealing, the work involved means it would be a great experience to learn from, considering all the mechanics that go in to making a fully functioning sewage system. it’s not necessarily in the range of what sort of engineering i want to do, but it’s a good opportunity nevertheless.



This apprenticeship is with Rexson, a fluid-dispenser company, it pays £160 per week. which is a little less than the afore mentioned ones, but the job entailed is much more similar to my current job, it involves taking out items, delivering them to customers and installing them, and repairing faulty ones. it’s a good and bad thing that it’s similar, on the plus side it’s familiar, i know how to do this kind of job, it also pays better than my current job, and i’ll learn from it, on the bad side i’m really not branching out from my comfort zone here, and i don’t necessarily want to do what i do currently, for the rest of my life, but still i included it because it’s an interesting option which could offer a lot to me.


Second-to-last job is from the MOD, aeronautical engineering, off the bat this is far more exotic than the Rexson job, it pays less again at £9,900 annually, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing, the MOD will give full accommodation with this, and food and water, the job is also much closer to my desired profession, and it involves engineering on planes. it’s a big one to consider, as a job it offers a lot of experience, and will set me on a career path towards a job with the armed forces.


This last apprenticeship is a fantastic opportunity in weapons engineering, again with the MoD it offers the chance to learn how to engineer weapons, compete in competitions, work in teams and create awesome engineering marvels. the pay starts at £14,000 and at the end finishes with £18,000 annually, over all giving you £50,000 throughout a three year apprenticeship. something definitely worth considering.


I’ve searched through a variety of sites so far and am considering apprenticeships from the armed forces to abroad, all in Mechanical Engineering.

I first started my search looking at the navy, army and air force, all of whom have apprenticeships in mechanical engineering, and would lead into a career in the armed forces, which is what i hope to do in the long term.





Next places i started looking were businesses up and down the country. Since i don’t really have any restrictions on where i have to be, I’ve looked up and down the country using various websites and found up to 300 different apprenticeships, here’s some which peak my interest (i’ll also list the location):

http://www.networkrail.co.uk/careers/apprenticeships/ (National)

https://www.ford-apprenticeships.co.uk/ (National (location specific))

http://uk.bombardier.com/en/careers/students-graduates/apprenticeship-program.html (England)

https://www.toyota.co.uk/world-of-toyota/careers/apprenticeships.json (National)


Lastly I’ve been looking abroad as well, in countries like France and Canada, these two countries in particular, since i speak both English as my native language and i have a rudimentary understanding of French, but i also wanted to take into account job opportunities in countries other than the UK to broaden my horizons.

http://caf-fca.org/apprenticeship-in-canada/ (this one you have to sign up for, i haven’t yet and am not sure if i will)



Another plan of mine is to move to France and join their naval force, here’s the site i’ve looked at:



[List] Bibliography







